A New Model Of Business- By Ray Faulkenberry, Ph.D.
Jan 03, 2022
How many of you have worked in a company that saw you as a tool? They saw you as a tool or an asset for the company and another way for the company to gain? How many of you have worked for a company in which they sat you down on a regular basis and asked you detailed questions about the goals in your life?
If they do set you down on a regular basis, do they get really detailed and asked you about your personal goals, your financial goals, your career goals, your social goals, your leisure goals, your spiritual goals, your LEGACY goals?
Not only do 99.9% of organizations DO NOT ask these questions, most don’t consider them. They look at the bottom line. Company profits – Shareholder value – How much money is the company generating and KEEPING.
There is another way to run a business. There is another way to work with employees. There is another way to succeed in business that allows THE BOTTOM LINE to increase without being impersonal to your employees. There is a way to run a business that will allow employees to deepen their interest in their job, their careers, and their lives. The bi-product of this philosophy is a much more balanced employee and a much healthier organization.
My name is Ray Faulkenberry and I am publishing a book, actually a series of books that address so many issues that confront all of us.
I will also be hosting and producing a podcast show that focuses on enlightened businesses that showcase the talents, resources, problems, and tools to take organizations, educational ideologies, and families to the next level of evolution – a win/win matrix that succeeds on every level. It allows all of us to grow and evolve and take their place as planetary stewards in their industry.
This is about reaching for the highest level of integrity in business, education, and life.
To be truthful, I have RARELY seen it. I have only heard fragments of companies trying to move in this direction. This is a huge passion of mine. To bring integrity, honesty, compassion, love, and vision – Universal Principles into the world. Lots talked about, little getting done.
I have chosen the title Corporate Samurai as I am rooted in what I would call the best traits of the Samurai. Compassion, an open heart, a willingness to serve and do whatever it takes, education and training, and last, but not least, spirituality. In addition, detailed stories that are told from the heart centering on families, and education, are also available through our Calling Of The Soul Book Series.
I have a Ph.D. in Psychology where I focused on Eastern Philosophy, Organizational Development, and Communication theory. I have spent virtually my entire life in Martial arts and have an 8th Degree black belt in Taekwondo, an 8th Degree black belt in Kenpo, and lower-ranked black belts in traditional ancient weapons and Tai-chi. I continue to teach from the heart and focus on bringing my students to the center of their being – to discover the inherent perfection within.
I am also an ordained Interfaith minister. An Interfaith Minister is one who honors ALL the religions of the world. We find threads of universal wisdom in all philosophies. I am not a "religion-thumper” or someone who comes across as a religious fanatic. I spend part of my work-life working with at-risk young men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 to help them get on track. I don’t speak the traditional language of the church, but instead, use real-life words and come straight from the hip…and heart.
Look for my books to come out and feel free to email me at [email protected] as we are hoping to help launch an intricate web of companies and services that will culminate in linking hundreds, if not thousands of like-minded businesses and corporations into a unique community that will help the planet in an incredible way. Find out how…
I look forward to doing some fun, exciting, wonderful things for the world and helping as many people as I possibly can as I know there is much work to be done and I’m gearing up on so very many fronts to begin.
I look forward to chatting with anyone who wants to create great wealth, change, aid, and fun in the world. We are the change we desire. Let’s get together and act on it!
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