Flimsy IS NOT Who Or What You Are
Sep 02, 2022
Have you ever gone to a picnic or barbeque and you go to put some food on your paper plate and the plate is so flimsy that it can barely hold the food?
Man, why would they even make something so flimsy?
You say this to yourself as you’re walking back to where you’re going to sit, hoping that you don’t dump your food.
It’s not a word that I would put as a tag on anyone. The dictionary defines it as: comparatively light and insubstantial; easily damaged.
This is not how I would want to see myself or have you see yourself.
Because simply put, we are not flimsy.
None of us are.
All of us have been through our fair share of obstacles, dramas, traumas, heartaches, setbacks, challenges, and people who have treated us less than honorably. I’m not saying that because of these difficult lessons we, or I have had a terrible life.
Not at all.
In fact, I feel I have been so very fortunate to have the life that I’ve had - despite the dramas, traumas, and snakey people that I’ve met along the way. It is to a large extent, because of these dramas, traumas, and snakey people that I have become the opposite of flimsy - RESILIENT!
All of us who are reading this are resilient as I KNOW you’ve had tons of obstacles that you’ve had to deal with in your life. Say it.
Again… :-)
You are. I am.
Repeat often.
It is important that we look to disregard ourselves as flimsy. While we may have had moments when we faltered and even for a moment may have even been flimsy, but that was then. It is NOT now. When we become aware of what flimsy is, how it looks, how we demonstrate it, and how we realize it doesn’t serve us, we then begin to shed that definition and we start morphing into something else.
If we come back to our opening statement regarding the barbeque, we are not a paper plate as we become less flimsy. In fact, over time, if anything we are becoming like fine china.
However, in order to become appreciative and valuable in recognizing ourselves as fine china, we need to remember when we were not that. It is that learning and remembering that allows us to come to the conclusion that we have indeed evolved.
One last thing.
Help other people to realize that while at one time they too may have been flimsy, they are not that way anymore and it is okay to recognize that fact.
Like us, they too are like fine china.
Reflect on this concept as you move through life and help others to do the same.
Looking out from a perspective that all I see when I look at people is that they are like fine china is a great feeling.
I invite you to try it.
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