Get Busy Living, or...
Jul 11, 2022
Do you remember the end of this famous line from Shawshank Redemption? It was uttered by both Tim Robbins character as well as Morgan Freeman's.
Get busy living, or get busy dying.
Yep, what a great line - and a great message.
This is something I think everyone can take a deep look at to see how they are choosing to live their life.
What does that mean, Ray?
It means that I am strongly advocating that we live our life with something just a little short of reckless abandon.
Well, let me back off that a bit.
I DO NOT want us to live our life recklessly.
However, I do want us to live our lives fully, with joy, gusto, excitement, and yes, just a little bit of risk.
Did I just write 'risk?'
You bet I did.
Too much of the time we play everything safe. We don't ask that attractive guy/girl out for coffee at the office. We don't ask our boss for a raise when we believe in our hearts we deserve it. We don't get up and sing karaoke because we're afraid we'll sound bad. We don't take our entrepreneurial shot because we're afraid we're going to fail.
Helen Keller, a woman born blind, deaf, and mute communicated this in her later years.
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."
Wow... What a great line.
I just want to repeat that I don't want you to choose to live a reckless life and throw your safety to the wind.
I do want you to risk in things that you feel safe. Risk that conversation. Risk getting up and singing or dancing and don't worry about how you look or sound.
Just sing.
Just dance.
Be a little more like Helen Keller.
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