Not Sure Of What To Do? Simple - Add Value
Jun 28, 2022
I know that it might seem strange to even consider in this day and age of not being sure of what to do. There is SO MUCH STIMULATION and things to choose from that there seemingly is ALWAYS something to do that grabs our attention.
However, sometimes having so many choices causes us to go into a type of overwhelm and paralysis in which we can't make a decision.
Don't believe me?
How many times have you had the following brief discussion:
Person 1: Where do you want to go for lunch?
Person 2: I don't know, where do you want to go?
Person 1: We can do Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Sushi, Barbeque... What do you like?
Person 2: It's all good. I don't care. You choose.
Person 1: I'm easy too. I don't know.
Look familiar?
Granted, getting lunch is an easy thing to contemplate as it is hard to go wrong in the incredible world of choices of food.
HOWEVER, what is fascinating is the amount of time that we do things that don't really enhance us or anyone around us. There are a lot of terms for it.
Hanging Out
Playing Video Games
Surfing the net
Social Media Surfing
You know where I'm going, don't you?
One of the great tools of feeling and actually accomplishing something is to simply add value to someone else.
I'll tell you something else that might surprise you.
Doing something for someone else and adding value to their life is an AMAZING ANTIDOTE FOR DEPRESSION!
I'm not kidding.
There is something amazing about just helping someone else. In essence, providing some value, help, or support for them just from the bottom of your heart with no strings attached is the BEST cure for being down or depressed I have ever seen. I've used it DOZENS and DOZENS of times and guess what?
It has NEVER failed.
I would just ask you to try it. It doesn't have to be some major project. It can be something simple like making someone something, doing a chore for them, helping them with one of their tasks... It can be simple.
ADDING VALUE to someone else. Huh? Who would have thought?
I would... and now you would!
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