The REAL Question is Do YOU Have The STONES To Take Both YOURSELF And YOUR COMPANY To The Next Level?
You see, STONES refer to many things. 1) The courage that it takes to look to see what might be missing limits the potential of both YOU AND YOUR COMPANY. 2) Are you willing to look DEEPER into your own CALLING and connect deeper with what GOD has planned for you? And 3) Take a Step and get on a COMPLIMENTARY CALL and let's just chat about you, your company, and your DEEPEST goals.
Trust Me, 99.9% of all CEOs, Founders, Business Owners, and Executives are MISSING Something That Is Drastically Inhibiting Their Own Personal As Well As Their Company's Growth. Heck, it's not EVEN the CEOs, Founders, Executives, and business owners - MOST PEOPLE ARE MISSING SOMETHING.
The INTERESTING thing is that most CEOs, Founders, Business Owners, and Executives - but hold it. ALL PEOPLE have a sense that something is missing. They may be even able to begin to put their finger on a concept or idea. But that is only the beginning of heading down the Rabbit Hole.
Click The Video Below And Let Me Share Just A Little Bit Of Information About What I'm Talking About.
Meet Ray Faulkenberry
The Founder Of The Call Of The Soul.
Let Me Share Some STAGGERING Statistics With You:
1. According to a study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, nearly half (47%) of executives, CEOs, business owners, and founders report that they have never received any formal training in business development, entrepreneurship, or strategy.
2. Only 33% of executives, CEOs, business owners, and founders have received some formal training in business development, entrepreneurship, or strategy.
3. The vast majority (81%) of executives, CEOs, business owners, and founders said that they rely heavily on mentors and advisers for guidance on business strategy and development.
4. Forty-five percent of executives, CEOs, business owners, and founders said that their lack of business training has held them back from achieving the goals they set for their businesses.
NOTE: Let me add that it is not that I don't think you are capable of LEADING your company and your life effectively, I know you are. The Bottom Line is SO FEW have ever been guided into how to massively win in this 'game.'
Take this next step and let's chat. You have NOTHING to lose and it won't cost you a dime...
More importantly, you have EVERYTHING to gain.
**You DON'T need to be a CEO, Founder, or High-Level Executive to access this level of coaching. In fact, ALL OF US are the CEO of our own lives. Therefore, whether or not you are a High-Level Executive, you too are welcome to participate.
***Your Coaching Program is most likely tax deductible in any number of ways. Ask questions and then consult your tax professional.
LET ME BEGIN BY BUYING YOU a complimentary phone call with me to discuss you and/or your company's future!