MEPS Coaching Is A MUST For Life Success #advanced coach #ceo success #executive success #family success #life coach #life success coach #no b.s.coaching #self employed success #spiritual coach #success coach Nov 26, 2023

In some ways, doesn’t it irk you when someone uses the word ‘must?’

 Another person telling me something else that I MUST have.


 However, before you click to the next 10-second blog, TikTok, or Instagram post, hear me out for THIRTY seconds.

Yep, it won’t take you even that long to catch...

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Dying Young As Late As Possible #advanced lifeskills #great life #healthy aging #healthy living tips #successful living #successful relationships #true health and fitness Aug 17, 2023

Hey Everyone!

Catch this short video as it is an amazing concept that most of us lose! 

Yes, I agree that it is a strange title, but you know what? 

I love it!

Typically, when we get older, we tend to lose strength, flexibility, and libido, and get fatigued easier. 

It doesn't have to be that ...

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To PLAY - A Vital Tool That Many Have Dismissed and Forgotten #applied spirituality #business success concepts #family success tips #happiness tips #mental health tips #successful living tips Aug 02, 2023



Another easy concept to acknowledge, remember, and dismiss.

Did I just write dismiss?


Why did I write dismiss?

Because everyone understands the word ‘play’ but how many of us really do it? 

Hold on, hold on.

Let’s define play.

The online dictionary has it as such: “Engage in act...

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Climb The Mountain #growth mindset #happiness tips #healthy family habits #learning mindset #mental health tips #personal growth #success mindset #success tips Jun 26, 2023

This short little video (sorry for the duplicate beginning/opening) is about "Climbing The Mountain."

No, I'm not talking about actually climbing a mountain although that would create its own adventure though, wouldn't it?

I'm talking about GROWING.

I'm talking about taking a path that moves us f...

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Climb The Mountain #anger management tips #applied spirituality #happiness tips #health psychology #mental health tips #religious tips #spirituality in life #tolerance for others Jun 08, 2023

Climb the Mountain?

Really, Ray? 

I'm not a Mountain Climber! 

Yes, you are... It's not the kind of mountain you may be thinking about!

It's a journey of discovery, growth, non-judgment, acceptance, tolerance, and yes, celebration.

Oftentimes we make a choice in our life and go a certain way. W...

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Singing? Why? Lots of Reasons! #expressing yourself #growing through singing #singing #singing fear #tools for confidence May 26, 2023

I would like to think that all of us, yes, all of us, have sung at some point in our lives. 

Whether it be alone in the car, in the shower, or maybe in front of others in a choir or even some type of vocal group, I am relatively sure that at some point in our lives, we’ve warbled all or parts of a ...

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We Are The Human Family #advanced business philosophy #advanced management tips #connecting with others #education principles #family tips for success #mastering living May 17, 2023

This short video takes a look a look at what family looks like BEYOND our biologically related family members.

It is an amazing thought to begin to look at those around us who are not biologically related to us as family members.

Yes, I am talking about framing our perception of the world in a way...

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Mirrors - More Valuable Than You Think! #family member health #leadership skills #mental health tips #personal growth #self worth issues #success in life Apr 24, 2023


Mirrors are something that we have grown accustomed to and use for a variety of reasons. Most of us have a morning routine that probably involves the mirror as we brush our teeth, style our hair, and apply makeup if that is something that we do. In fact, we often catch ourselves as we walk ...

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Connecting To Source - Your Winning Ticket #christian business #christian happiness #christian tips #family happiness #happiness tips #metaphysicalmindset #spiritual tips #transpersonal tips Apr 17, 2023

Hey Everyone!

Connecting to SOURCE is something that I am not sure if many people really think much about. 

What is Source?

For me, Source is where I and EVERYTHING come from. Yes, I am talking about a Divine Creator.

How do we as humans find meaning and purpose in our life? 

I think one of the...

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Being a Baby is A Good Thing? You bet! #growth mindset tips #happiness tips #healthy living #learning how to live #mental health tips #parenting tips #success tips Apr 10, 2023

Before you click off and decided to not read much this sentence, I would ask for your patience and give it fifteen seconds of reading! If that doesn’t keep through the end of the short, little post, go ahead and click off! :-)
But, babies are fascinating in so many ways that apply to us as adults.

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